Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

How Honey Cough NAB+ Can Soothe Your Throat Naturally

How Honey Cough NAB+ Supports Overall Throat Health


The throat requires constant care to remain healthy, especially during flu season or among those who vocalize their living. Honey Cough NAB+ is, therefore, a natural treatment for coughs and sore throats, which has other added-up benefits to the throat in the following ways.

Soothing Properties

First among these is the fact that Honey Cough NAB+ has properties that can help soothe the throat. As for the natural honey in the formula, the covering that forms on the throat helps to relieve discomfort and irritation. The relaxing effect of this remedy is specifically helpful for persons who have a sore and irritated throat since it assists in achieving relief almost immediately and lessens inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Honey is also well-understood for its anti-inflammatory quality. By diminishing the inflammation levels in the throat, Honey Cough NAB+ makes the swelling and redness commonly caused by the cough or irritation lessen. This anti-inflammatory action can be of much use to persons with chronic throat disorders or people who recently got over the flu.

Antibacterial Action

The antimicrobial properties of honey are very useful in throat interactions and sustenance. Honey serves to prevent aggressive bacteria from increasing in the throat and causing infections because of the improved health creosote that is provided. This auto-immune response mechanism helps the body protect itself from minor illnesses and keep the throat healthy.

Immune Support

It should be noted that its use is effective for the entire complex of immune functions and resistance to infections when using Honey Cough NAB+. The natural antioxidants and vitamins contained in honey improve the body’s ability to combat pathogens and, as such, strengthen the immune system. Lack of frequent throat infections and ability to recover faster when attacked by diseases is attributed to a good and powerful immune system.

Hydration and Comfort

One of the main causes of throat irritation is lack of enough fluids, and since honey cough nab+ aids in supplying water to the throat, this is an aspect that was checked on. Honey has a hydrating property, it therefore makes the throat part comfortable and less likely to dry and irritable due to the incorporation of other products as well.


In conclusion, Honey Cough NAB+ offers a multifaceted approach to supporting overall throat health. Through its soothing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and immune-boosting properties, it provides comprehensive care that goes beyond simple cough relief. Integrating Honey Cough NAB+ into your health routine can contribute to better throat health and enhanced comfort.



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