Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

How Honey Cough NAB+ Can Soothe Your Throat Naturally

Honey Cough NAB+ and inflammation reduction


Honey Cough NAB+ is a natural remedy to cola therapy that can potentially reduce inflammation as it seeks to enhance respiratory health. Honey and the NAB+ blend are mixed, where honey is an anti-inflammatory substance; this makes the product effective in targeting inflammation and addressing cough prescriptions.

Moreover, honey is known for many therapeutic uses due to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties and effective cure for respiratory diseases. Honey is known to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties that soothe the inflamed throat and relieve coughs, bringing overall comfort to the respiratory system. When integrated with the advanced NAB+ blend, which includes organic anti-inflammatory substances, Honey Cough NAB+ turns into a generous natural remedy in the fight against inflammation in the respiratory system.

A combination of honey’s natural anti-inflammatory effects and the respiratory-supporting action of NAB+ in Honey Cough NAB+ quickly relieves inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Treating inflammation within the respiratory system is something that many people consider to decrease symptoms of coughing, a stuffy nose, and sore throats. Further, the Honey Cough NAB+ role in enhancing immune response is vital to ensure respiratory health as it gives the human system the needed strength to fight infection.


Furthermore, there is differentiation in addressing the honey cough NAB+ as much more than just an anti-inflammatory product: More than an Anti-Inflammatory Broncho-protective Agent Building Block. Through this natural health formula, the proponents of this product can take advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties of honey and the NAB+ blend to provide relief and comfort to those suffering from coughs and other respiratory issues without resorting to solid medications. Due to the all-encompassing NAB+ formula, Honey Cough NAB+ stands as a viable naturally derived product that could positively impact the quality of life of those sufferers of respiratory problems due to the product’s potent anti-inflammatory properties.



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