Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

What Relief Does NAB+ Cold Syrup Offer?


It goes without saying that during or after the flu outbreaks, the numerous symptoms that come as a package may be very hard to manage. The NAB+ Cold Syrup is designed to relieve the most frequent and uncomfortable manifestations of cold a person can experience, providing an effective, drug-free way to improve the quality of one’s life in no time.

Soothing Cough Relief

Some of the uses of NAB+ Cold Syrup include relief from cough that is hard to go away. Coughing during the cold is one of the toughest symptoms that befalls sleep and manageable daily activities. The working of the honey-based formula present in NAB+ Cold Syrup is that the honey moistens the throat lining and lowers the sensitivity to the irritation, which controls the coughing reflex. It does this not only for a temporarily relief but also to reduce instances of irritating the throat thus worsening the cough.

Eases Sore Throat Pain

Another common cold symptom is sore throat and this is capable of affecting an individual in a big way. NAB+ Cold Syrup is made from natural products that provide throat comfort that relieves pain and inflammation that is associated with a cold. The honey component of the syrup is inflammatory and soothes the throat pain hence making it easier to swallow and even speak.

Relieves Nasal Congestion

It also relieves nasal congestion that is associated with the common cold, something that has been incorporated in its name as NAB+ Cold Syrup. When used to coat your throat or even consumed, it has the function of loosening mucus and clearing the nose allowing one to breathe easily. What is more, this kind of decongestant action could positively influence the quality of sleep and general well-being if synergy is achieved with the cough-suppressing action that the syrup too is intended for.

Supports Overall Recovery

For this reason, when taking NAB+ Cold Syrup, you do not only address certain symptoms but also assist your body to heal at large. Honey in particular has antiviral effects; it is regarded to help the body’s defense system to fight the cold virus more efficiently.


NAB+ Cold Syrup treats all the discomforts that the cold brings about: coughing, sore throat, and nasal congestion and also helps your body to recover. A natural product, most of honey, it is a very safe and efficient remedy to take when you have colds and to minimize the length of the ailment.



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