Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+

Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+


  • Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+

Asthma: a lung disease and its incidence in millions of people. It is a disorder with symptoms such as breathing, wheezes, coughing, and shortness of asthma. While asthma management demands the use of conventional medication and asthma delivery devices such as inhalers, honey cough NAB+ provides an additional remedy for quite several asthma patients or asthmatics.

Honey Cough NAB+ is a cough syrup that soothes the throat. In addition to NAB+, it has cough anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities. This makes the syrup an asthma-safe syrup that does not harm the throat. Honey has been used as a traditional remedy for treating respiratory system conditions for many generations because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is practical to cause relaxation of bronchial air passages or treat an asthmatic cough type.

NAB+ is a combination of substances, and some of them are eucalyptus and menthol, which are natural agents that have anti-bacterial properties and assist in additional functions in the respiratory tract, as well as in asthma and other respiratory diseases. It also has great value as a substance for treating asthma and general respiratory health since, other than alleviating toxicity, NAB+ combined with honey makes Honey Cough NAB+ a precious commodity.

Secondly, other antioxidants can be incorporated into Honey Cough NAB+ to help reduce inflammation and other factors that affect the lives of these people who fail to manage asthma. The body has to be supplied with the likes of C and E and the elements of zinc and selenium to prevent and combat oxidization, which proves harmful to the body and should, therefore, help manage asthma.



Therefore, Honey Cough NAB+ is an authentic product in that it addresses and manages asthma symptoms holistically and naturally throughout the pathway, from its origins to the final stage. Thus, one can conclude that taking honey as a natural remedy while applying NAB+ and consuming antioxidants will help to deal with cough and asthma and remove obstructions from the airways for patients with the disease.



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