Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

Honey Cough NAB+ Fights Colds Faster

Introduction Catching a cold can be a frustrating experience, with symptoms like a persistent cough, sore throat, and congestion making it challenging to go about your daily life. While there’s no cure for the common cold, products like Honey Cough NAB+ can significantly alleviate symptoms and shorten the duration of your illness. Natural Ingredients for […]

The Benefits of Ginger in NAB+ Cough Syrup

The Benefits of Ginger in NAB+ Cough Syrup

Introduction Cough syrup NAB+ contains one of the most effective natural remedies that have been in use for centuries- Ginger. It is a root that has been utilized beneficially for many years in folk medicine, and it aids in improving NAB+ cough syrup and helps consumers experiencing coughs and sore throats. 1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties Some […]

Battling Loss of Productivity Due to Illness

Introduction Nothing may be as disruptive to a day as falling sick out of the blues. Whether it is a hard-to-kill cough or an all-engulfing cold, it is not only an individual’s health that is affected, but also the work efficiency is blocked. Life situations when one attempts to go to work or perform daily […]

Family Remedies Simplified with NAB+

Family Remedies Simplified with NAB+

Introduction Health remedies are quite a complicated subject, and when in search of a remedy that will suit all family members, the task can be quite daunting. Every individual is special; what works for one can harm the other or just be of no help at all. This can be quite irritating, especially when everyone […]

Clear Nasal Congestion with NAB+

Dry Mouth from Medication? Try NAB+ Syrup

One of the common side effects people experience when taking medication for cough and cold is dry mouth. This condition, also known as xerostomia, can be incredibly uncomfortable and inconvenient. It can make swallowing difficult, disrupt sleep, and even lead to bad breath. For many, finding a solution to dry mouth is as important as […]

NAB+ Honey Cough Syrup: Fights Secondary Infections

Introduction Dealing with a cough or cold can be frustrating enough on its own, but it becomes even more concerning when secondary infections come into play. Secondary infections often develop when the immune system is weakened from an initial illness, leading to complications such as bronchitis, sinusitis, or even pneumonia. These conditions not only prolong […]

Clear Nasal Congestion with NAB+

Introduction Clear Nasal Congestion with NAB+. Nasal congestion can turn even the brightest day into a struggle. It’s that all-too-familiar feeling of having a stuffy nose, which makes breathing a chore and leaves you dizzy and uncomfortable. Whether at work, school or trying to enjoy time with your family, nasal congestion can significantly disrupt your […]

Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+

Honey Cough NAB+ for Athletes

Introduction Honey Cough NAB+ for Athletes. Athletes and performers rely heavily on their physical well-being and vocal health to excel in their fields. A persistent cough or sore throat can hinder performance and affect overall health. This is where Honey Cough NAB+ comes into play, offering a natural and effective solution that is particularly beneficial […]

How Honey Cough NAB+ Can Soothe Your Throat Naturally

How Honey Cough NAB+ Supports Overall Throat Health

Introduction The throat requires constant care to remain healthy, especially during flu season or among those who vocalize their living. Honey Cough NAB+ is, therefore, a natural treatment for coughs and sore throats, which has other added-up benefits to the throat in the following ways. Soothing Properties First among these is the fact that Honey […]