Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

Clear Nasal Congestion with NAB+

Honey Cough NAB+ with Natural Bronchial Soothers

Introduction Honey Cough NAB+ with Natural Bronchial Soothers. Honey Cough NAB+ bronchial support is a natural and effective remedy that relieves coughs and supports respiratory health. This innovative product combines the soothing properties of honey with the bronchial support benefits of NAB+ (Natural Antibacterial Blend), making it a powerful solution for respiratory discomfort. Honey has […]

Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+

Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+

Introduction Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+ Asthma: a lung disease and its incidence in millions of people. It is a disorder with symptoms such as breathing, wheezes, coughing, and shortness of asthma. While asthma management demands the use of conventional medication and asthma delivery devices such as inhalers, honey cough NAB+ provides an additional […]

Relieving Seasonal Allergies Naturally with Honey Cough NAB+

Honey Cough NAB+ for Allergies

Introduction Seasonal allergies are a typical problem that affects many people and manifests itself in signs such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Although common OTC antihistamines are prescribed for controlling these symptoms, a natural OTC medicine, Honey Cough NAB+, has no side effects associated with OTC allergy medications. NAB+ is an efficient […]

How Honey Cough NAB+ Can Soothe Your Throat Naturally

How Honey Cough NAB+ Can Soothe Your Throat Naturally

Introduction Honey Cough NAB+ is a natural remedy that offers soothing relief for a sore throat, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a gentle and effective solution to throat discomfort. This specialized blend of honey and botanical extracts works synergistically to provide relief from cough and cold symptoms while promoting overall respiratory health. […]

How to Store Honey Cough NAB+

How to Store Honey Cough NAB+

Introduction How to Store Honey Cough NAB+. Proper storage of Honey Cough NAB+ is essential to maintaining its quality and efficacy over time. As a specialized blend of honey and natural botanical extracts, it is important to follow specific guidelines to ensure this healing remedy remains potent and effective. The first step in storing Honey […]

Honey Cough Anti-inflammatory

Honey Cough Anti-inflammatory

Introduction Honey Cough NAB+ is a cough syrup that is quite different from the others. It is a medicine with a natural element that is incredibly efficient when you want to address inflammation. With the special formula of honey and plant extract, our brand Honey Cough NAB+ offers a fully integrative manner of reducing inflammation […]

Honey Cough vs. OTC Cough Meds

Honey Cough vs. OTC

Introduction Honey Cough vs. OTC. Choosing Honey Cough NAB+ and OTC cough syrups would mean investing in cough symptom relief when it bites you hard. Both methods give relief from hacking or related symptoms. They differ in ingredients, how they are made, and the side effects they might have. OTC cough drugs are typically made […]

Honey Cough Relief for Kids

Honey Cough Relief for Kids

Introduction Honey Cough Relief for Kids. Parents usually try to cure their children’s coughing in the fastest and most efficient way to alleviate their suffering. NAB+ Honey Cough Syrup embraces the power of nature, harnessing the immense healing potential of honey, offering a compassionate and delicate approach to treating cough symptoms in children. Natural alternatives […]

Honey Cough Relief: Buyer's Guide

Honey Cough Relief: Buyer’s Guide

Introduction Honey Cough Relief: Buyer’s Guide The issue of cough symptom management could be handled better for a better quality of life if the right types of honey-based products are used, as they have large benefits for your health and life quality. Choose the type of product you want from a wide variety of products […]

Honey's Cough-Soothing Power

Honey’s Cough-Soothing Power

Introduction Honey’s Cough-Soothing Power. Cough is a diverse health issue that has been treated successfully for centuries with honey, an all-natural remedy. Its sweetness and calming effect make it very helpful for people who want to get relief from their cough (especially during cold and flu attacks). We will review this blog post and see […]