Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

Relieving Seasonal Allergies Naturally with Honey Cough NAB+

Cold vs. Flu: How Honey Cough NAB+ Addresses Both


When winter arrives, the chances of getting a cold or influenza raises, and many of us look for a good cure. Even though the two illnesses may manifest in similar ways, they are very different and cannot be treated similarly. Honey Cough NAB+ can be considered unique because of the significance of the problem and its possible effectiveness in treating cold and flu symptoms.

Understanding the Differences

Signs of the common cold and flu include cough, sore throat and congestion. However, the flu usually is more serious and brings fever, body aches, and fatigue in addition to a cough or sore throat. These differences have to be identified to choose the correct course of treatment.

Honey Cough NAB+ syrup for the management of Cold

Of course, the components originating from natural sources of Honey Cough NAB+ allow it to be the ideal remedy for sore throat and every cough resulting from colds. Honey, which has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects soothes the throat and success coughing. Further, honey gives instant relief to the throat as it will form a sort of layer sort of touch for those with a stubborn cough because of the cold.

Facing flu symptoms with honey cough NAB+

Though flu causes one to rest and drink water, Honey Cough NAB+ can help eradicate certain flu-like and cough-related ailments. It is very important during the flu because not only does the coughing cause soreness in the throat, but its management is also included in the product’s natural formulation. With this relief Honey Cough NAB+ enabled people to have more relaxed sleep free from the discomfort caused by the flu.

Boosting Immune Health

This product is a potential adaptation to boost immune health, one of the benefits of Honey Cough NAB+. Antioxidants in honey help the body fight infections because of their antibacterial properties. Honey Cough NAB+’s incorporation into your cleansing routine when the initial manifestations of infection occur will likely reduce your symptoms’ severity and duration.


Whether you are suffering from a common cold or flu, Honey Cough NAB+ has all the solutions to help you overcome the problem naturally. The combination of honey and other healthy components in the mixture allows the patient to get rid of sore throat and cough quickly. So take on this cold and flu season with the natural strength of Honey Cough NAB+, and always be ready.



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