Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

Protect Your Child’s Smile with NAB+ Syrup


As a parent, in any responsibility that you hold for your dear child, the most essential aspect are always the welfare of your child. Flu season can be challenging for kids and their bodies, which are still unprepared to prevent disease. Fortunately, NAB+ Syrup is not like them, It’s a natural syrup that has a relief effect and can help your child be happy and smiling even in the worst circumstances.

There is a gentle formula for kids:

NAB+ Syrup is naturally produced using ingredients such as honey and ginger known to have medical benefits. Honey has been used over the years to sooth sore throats and to help with coughs and ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, these ingredients make it possible to obtain a kind of syrup that is fast acting, and at the same time friendly and suitable for your child’s sensitive stomach.

Ease Symptoms Comfortably

As much as parents want their children to be comfortable at all times this includes when they are sick, coughs, congestion, and sore throat can be uncomfortable for your child especially if they suffer from colds or flu. NAB+ Syrup helps to relieve these symptoms and does so without the kick and punch of some commercial products. This excludes the use of any artificial additives and chemicals hence making it safe for use by your little one.

A Taste They’ll Love

Another consideration not lacking in many homes is the struggle that goes into making children take their medicine. NAB+ Syrup is available in a great tasting and colourful preparation that is suitable for children who are very selective. This simply translates to less hassle and more zen, putting the cold and flu symptom management under a somewhat less demanding umbrella for both parents and children.


Chasing after a healthy and joyful child is the desire of every parent which, in many cases, NAB+ Syrup can help to achieve. Being a natural mixture of honey and ginger this cold and flu discomforter syrup ensures that your little one does not lose his or her smile even when having a cold. When it comes to a natural approach to the symptomatic relief of the common cold or flu select NAB+ Syrup.



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