Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+

Supporting Immune Health with Honey Cough NAB+


Health is an important factor in people’s lives in contemporary society, and enhancing immunity is the ultimate goal of many. Speaking of natural and efficient ways to improve immune health, it is quite possible to turn to Honey Cough NAB +. Alleviating symptoms of coughs and sore throat is very important, but this product also fulfils an even more significant function: boosting general body immunity.

The Power of Honey

Honey has been deemed to be of medicinal value for ages. It also contains antioxidants; these are essential in the fight against free radicals that attack the body and compromise the immune system. Honey also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help prevent infection and reduce tissue inflammation. Honey Cough NAB+ is a supplement the moment the lozenge enters your system, and your immune system benefits from the bonuses that they carry.

Natural Ingredients with Immune-Boosting Benefits

While Honey Cough NAB+ has honey in its title and its logo, it is not just only honey. It is a mixture of natural substances, and each substance has been incorporated due to the benefits it has on the human body. Some of the components, such as ginger, lemon, and eucalyptus, are normally used to boost the body’s immunity. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, lemon contains vitamin C, and Eucalyptus has decongesting qualities. Combined with these ingredients, you obtain an effective remedy that treats symptoms of the disease and strengthens the immune system of the human organism.

Quick Relief, Long-Term Health

Compared to Honey Cough NAB+, which gives fast relief of cough and sore throat, its value is not only limited to cough and sore throat symptoms. It’s one of the many ways in which a person can bolster his/her /their immunity or, as some might put it, train the body to fight infections before they occur. Two in one that addresses the present condition that one may be facing because of a cough while enhancing daily well-being, which makes Honey Cough NAB+ a great boost in one’s health plan.

The Uses of Honey Cough NAB+ in Your Daily Practice

For optimum results, take Honey Cough NAB+ as instructed, which will be especially relevant during a period when one’s immunity is weak, such as during winter or when constantly stressed. Combined with a proper diet, physical activities and standard sleep, it will even amplify the immunomodulating effect of the product.


In conclusion, Honey Cough NAB+ is more than just a cough remedy. Its natural ingredients provide robust support for your immune system, helping you stay healthy and resilient. Whether you’re dealing with a cough or looking to boost your overall immune health, Honey Cough NAB+ is a trusted ally in your wellness journey.



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