Penguin Naturopathy is a for-profit enterprise with a mandate to generate a social return by investing in our communities. Penguin Naturopathy Products started its operations in 1986 with the aim of supporting rural farmers involved in beekeeping with a market for honey.




Kirigiti, Kiambu

Asthma Relief with Honey Cough NAB+

The Role of Honey Cough NAB+ in Relieving Nasal Congestion


Colds and flu often decongest the nasal passages, and this is one of the most discomforting symptoms, especially when breathing is difficult, sleeping or when general restlessness is felt. As many opt for decongestants available at the drugstore, Honey Cough NAB+ provides sufferers with a safe and efficient remedy for such symptoms.

Natural Soothing Properties

Honey Cough NAB+ has been produced using natural honey that has a well-accepted flow and helps soothe coughs. Epriin is an over-the-counter medication for women commonly taken during their migraines and respiratory infections. At the same time, honey has been widely used as a medicine throughout the centuries to treat different conditions, including respiratory problems. Consumed as food, it creates a protective layer at the back of the throat, which soothes the area, and since it is an anti-inflammatory substance, it will help to minimise inflammation that is characterised by nasal congestion. Since honey is mildly sedative, it can also soothe the strings of the nasal passage, thereby allowing free breathing.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The first functional effect derived from Honey Cough NAB+ is that of an oral anti-inflammatory. Thus, honey possesses antioxidants and enzymes that may help alleviate inflammation in the nasal area. Since Honey Cough NAB + reduces inflammation, it assists in the case of unblocking these ways that offer a feeling of a blocked nasal passage.

Mucus Reduction

Secondly, this product works wonders for cases involving nasal congestion because Honey Cough NAB+ has the unique property of aiding in the thinning of mucus. I can attest to poor breathing due to thick mucus that significantly worsens congestion and makes it difficult to clear the nasal passages. The natural compounds in honey cough NAB+ assist in the creation of mucus that is easy to clear and hence relieves overall congestion.

Supporting the Immune System

Honey also has anti-microbial activities, and this is very helpful in boosting the body’s defence mechanism against the true source of nasal congestion, the bacteria. In addition to giving effective relief from HER, Honey Cough NAB+ helps build up the body’s immunity against this evil cause of congestion.


Incorporating Honey Cough NAB+ into your routine during a cold or flu can provide significant relief from nasal congestion. Its natural soothing properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and ability to reduce mucus make it a valuable tool in managing respiratory discomfort. For those seeking a natural, effective alternative to traditional decongestants, Honey Cough NAB+ is an excellent choice.



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